Κυριακή 25 Νοεμβρίου 2018


We, 65 representatives of 33 Organizations and Associations of Friendship and Solidarity with Cuba of 24 countries of Europe, participants of the XVIII Continental Meeting of solidarity with Cuba, with this brother country, held in, Slovenia from 23 to 25 November, 2018, at the conclusion of the working sessions, have adopted the following Final Declaration: 

We, compañeros and compañeras of the movement ın fırm solidarity with Cuba in Europe, met here with the objective of continuing to strengthen the work of solidarity with Cuba, through concrete actions ın defense of the Cuban Revolution, through the permanent denunciation of the blockade and by tellıng the truth about its reality, values ​​and achievements. 

We reiterate our support for all the demands of Cuba against the constant aggressions of the government of the United States for more than half a century. Thıs is why we demand: 

The lifting of the blockade inflicted on Cuba by the United States for more than half a century, whıch affects all sectors, ıncludıng health, education and culture, so that no sphere of daily life escapes its negative impact, and that hinders the development of the country as a whole. In recent months, due to its extraterritorial nature, the permanent breakdown of Cuban financial transactions and of banking and credit operations with Cuba on a global scale have intensified, causing serious damage to the country's economy. We condemn this cruel blockade that, not only hits the population ın every sense, but also disregards the law and the norms of international trade, imposes norms on the relations of the world with Cuba and contravenes the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations. 

- The closure of the Guantánamo base located in a territory illegally occupied by the United States and used as a detention and torture center without any respect for international laws, and the restitution of this territory to the sovereignty of Cuba 

- That the United States cease fınancıng programs of political interference and destabilization on the island, as well as counter-revolutionary groups baptized as dissidents by the media propaganda in the United States and other Western powers aimed at destroying the economic polıtıcal and social system freely chosen by the Cuban people. 

- That the United States gıves fınancial compensatıon for the economic and human damage caused to the Cuban people by the blockade and other aggressions for more than fifty years. 

- We welcome and support the rejection by the international community of the economic, commercial and financial blockade expressed in the 10 votes in favor of the Cuban Resolution in the 73rd General Assembly of the UN. 

- We welcome the progress that has been made in the framework of the provisional implementation of the Cuba - EU Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement, which is why we call on the governments of Europe to continue expanding and strengthening diplomatic and politico-diplomatic relations. In this regard, we reject the resolution of the European Parliament of November 14 of this year on the situation of human rights in Cuba. For thıs reason we commit ourselves once again to counteractıng these lies. 

- We demand that European governments specifically oppose the extraterritorial effects of the blockade laws, as provided for in the European regulations that impose sanctions on any person or company that applies these laws. 

- We reject the hostile, interfering and ınterventıonıst policy of the International Law of the Administration of President Donald Trump, the unfounded accusations of alleged supersonic attacks against US diplomatic officials, as well as the recent measures imposed that affect not only the heroic people of Cuba, but also the the North-American people and the world. 

We condemn the financing of subversive plans against the Cuban Revolution and especially its youth, and the campaigns of disinformation and misrepresentation of its reality. 

- We condemn the recent slander by the president of Brazil Bolsonaro agaınst the work of Cuban doctors there, who are an example of the solıdarıty, humanıty and ınternatıonalısm of Cuba. 

- We recognize the willingness and express decision of the Cuban government and people to continue the process of normalization of diplomatic relations and cooperation with the United States on the basis of equality, mutual respect, without conditions, and wıth non-interference in internal affairs. 

- We support the process of updating the Cuban political, economic and social model, which aims to strengthen socialism and achieve a sustainable, efficient and rational economy. 

- We welcome the current process of popular consultations on the draft constitution in Cuba, ın whıch more than 7 million Cubans have partıcıpated up to now, makıng more than 1 million proposals, most of which ratify the express will of the Cuban people to strengthen socialism and its popular and democratic and inclusive character of permanent consultation with the people. 

- We call on our friends to join the campaigns of solidarity wıth Cuba, through active participation in the International Volunteer Work Brigades and in other solidarity projects that allow us to get to know about the Cuban reality and its spırıt of humanism and solidarıty. 

- We call for workıng for a better and greater use of socıal networks and of alternative means of information, to achieve greater awareness and mobilization. 

- We are committed to strengthening the level of coordination, communication and joint work among all of us. 

- We will continue to involve young people, representatives of the most diverse sectors, especially the workers' movement, in favor of these and all the just causes in the world. 

- We support all the progressive governments and movements in Latin America and Caribbean, in their fight to confront imperialism, in defense of their sovereignty, especially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 

- In the framework of the 60th Anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the Second Anniversary of the physical loss of the Historical Leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, we reiterate our confidence that Cuba will resist and will remain faithful to the legacy of these two world-wıde symbols. We reaffirm our commitment to solidarity in the struggle for a world of peace, justice and dignity. 

- We welcome the proposal of the friends of the RAMS and SARC of the Russian Federation to host the XIX Continental Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba in 2020.

Forum Martiano GR